Friday, July 19, 2013

Git Tips

This article is intended as a basic manual for iOS developers that are using git source control, but need more than built in options in xCode.

For that we will need to open Terminal application located in Applications/Utilities. Use 'ls' command to see content of the current folder, and 'cd FOLDER_NAME' to open specific subfolder. Command 'cd ..' will open parent folder.

If you want to simply clone repository from remote repository then run this command in your terminal:
This will clone project to the current folder.

Second scenario is that you want to add existing project to remote repository. Go to the folder that contains your .xcodeproj project file.

To check current status:
git status
When your code is already tracked by Git, and you want to change the repository, you have two options.

1. Remove git tracking and start fresh:
rm -rf .git
2. Set new repository as your origin to push to.
git remote set-url origin HTTPS_NEW_REMOTE_REPOSITORY.git
To start git tracking, initialize empty git
git init
Next step is to add original remote repository, which you acquire at your git hosting service, e.g. Bitbucket
git remote add origin HTTPS_ORIGINAL_REMOTE_REPOSITORY.git
Add all files from your project directory
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git push origin master
Your project is now pushed to remote repository.